Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My Sister is Hitting 300!

Congrats to Carrie and her 300th post!

My sister and I are always craving for attention. Our parents didn't love us enough so we each have our own blogs to be the center of attention. ( I am kidding Dad)

My sister, Carrie, who is a married (so don't ask guys), has her own blog. She is a crafty nerd but I love her anyway. She posts up her latest projects as well as other artists /crafters that inspire her. She is having a contest for her 300th post so I figured the least I can do is give her a plug.

If anyone wants mittens out of yarn, give her a jingle.

Congratulations Carrie. Getting to 300 is not very easy to do. I know, I have been there. Once you get off the horse, it is hard to get back on. My other blog got to well over 500 posts but as one person pointed out, 10% of them were drunken posts when the Bears lost in the Super Bowl.

Check out Carrie's blog called Ruffled Feathers.

Razor and his sister, Carrie