Sunday, November 30, 2008

Let It Snow x3

I think I can say that today marked the end of a disappointing riding season. I was able to get the bike out of the garage for a wash this morning. I then took it for a quick ride around the block to get the access water out. Returned home to lube the chain and clean the rims. Finally, pushed the bike to the back of the garage, and placed a cover over the Bandit. Kind of sad but I want to put this season behind me.

Next year will be different ( I hope). Matt and I already started a buzz on the next trip but its way to early to plan the details. Most likely end of May, early June.

We are currently under a winter storm watch for tonight and into tomorrow. Six inches or so. As I put away one engine, I pulled out another. The John Deer started right up today. Matt, also my neighbor, will be glad to hear the rumble in the morning.

Let it snow!