Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Next Trip Is In The Works - Deals Gap Anyone?

Welcome to the Tail of the Dragon aka Deals Gap!

It's the middle of May and I have not been on any decent rides. A year ago, I was riding south into Indiana with Matt and Pat. I am getting the itch again to get out, getaway and just ride.

I have a few destinations that I have been bouncing back and forth. They are the Black Hills in South Dakota, Eureka Springs with the local bike club, and going down the Great River Road of the Mississippi River. Every time I start planning something out, the above keeps popping up, the Deals Gap.

As you can see, it borders the states of Tennessee and North Carolina. The Tail of the Dragon at Deals Gap, with 318 curves in 11 miles, is America's number one motorcycle paradise. The nearby Cherohala Skyway is 60 miles of scenic mountain highway with altitudes of over 5000 feet.

Right now the trip is planned for three, maybe four days in early June (1-4) between Trent's baseball schedule. I might spend the whole time out in the area or even head west on the way home to ride along the Mississippi River. Thats the great thing about riding alone. (or even with a few other guys). No plans, no reservations, you just go as you please. You see the road less taken and you take it.

Right now the trip is solo but I am hoping to a couple of riders to join me. Is it you?
Of course I will be posting pictures from the trip. Stay tuned....