Monday, May 26, 2008

Less Then A Week To Go

How To Catch A Pheasant With Your Motorcycle

To bring you up to speed, I am heading out to the Deals Gap aka Tail of the Dragon this Sunday. My partner in crime, Bandit Brother Matt, will be joining me on this trip.

Here is a rough outline of the trip:
June 1st- Sunday: 6:00AM, Pointing the bikes south. Plan on staying around the Lexington area.

Monday- Deals Gap ( think Smokey Mountains at the Tennessee/North Carolina state line)

Tuesday- Tearing up the Gap and the surrounding area

Wednesday- Birmingham Alabama, home of the Barber Vintage Motorcycle Museum spread out over five floors.

Thursday- Heading Home... not sure the route yet. Might take two days to get home.

Friday- Hopefully home in one piece.....

Stay Tuned