Thursday, July 17, 2008

STN + ALL U CAN EAT Pizza = Bike Night

The STN Pizza Warriors! ( I made that up)

Lately, Thursday nights consisted of me staying home with the kids while my wife went to her dance practice. Since she is between sessions, I was able to sneak away for the night. The original plan was to go see some bike races at the Union Grove Drag Strip. Unfortunately, some of the people I was going with could not make it. Instead, I ended up going to a local bike meet up posted by Sport Touring.Net (STN). Here are a few pics from tonight.
Splat came out with us at Kaiser's

Tonight's special was all you can eat pizza for $5.00,Good Stuff!

We all thought of fellow STN'er, Breadman, when this bacon pizza came out. His name should be The Baconater!

MXVet57 looking to pick a fight with Splat
(my money is on Splat)

Splat loses! Why do you think his name is Splat? He will be OK.

That's Not Your Bike!

Eat Your Heart Out Thunder! New pose for yeah!

STN... Where the Geeks Ride!
(He who dies with the most farkles win!)

Thanks Motocbiker for the stickers!