Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th of July Ride: My Independance Part 2

Splat enjoying breakfast at the Hubbard Avenue Diner
(see Part 1 for a brief intro on Spalt)

Woke up Saturday to another beautiful and gorgeous riding day. Before heading out, I joined Shane, Carrie, Splat and a few friends at the Hubbard Avenue Diner in Middleton. This is the second time that I have been to this place. The food and service is great. It has that retro diner look but without the greasy feel. I give it two forks up!

Today, I had a few goals in mind. Ride Wildcat Mountain, Mindoro's Cut and make my way into Minnesota to mark off another state. For the Cliff notes version, I accomplished all three.

Along the way, I decided to stop at the Historic Land Marks in Wisconsin. I thought it would all be based on land facts such as settlers but they also included historical figures from their perspective towns. See below for a Wisconsin History lesson (click on each image for a larger view)

Reedsburg Historical Society

Anyone recall the Budweiser commercial?

Here is another time where I did a U Turn to get this shot. This is one of the benefits of riding solo. Now for the record, when you live in the Midwest, you see lots of farm animals including horses. This is nothing new to me. Something about these horses seemed kind of odd.

It appeared that the little horse on the right was getting a lecture from the bigger horses on the left. I connected with the small horses body language. He just looked sad and in trouble. He did not look right. His tail and ears were down. I sat and watched the group for a few minutes. Not that I could do anything but to see what would happen next. All of them just stood still and silent. It was a surreal but unusual moment. For the record, I came back by this way on the way home. Five hours later, the horses were more less in the same position. Yes, I have a soft spot for animals.

Next stop, Wildcat Mountain

Wildcat Mountain, a Wisconsin State park, is labeled as the "Mini" Tail of the Dragon of the Midwest. I can't stress enough on the word "mini". It was more like a fraction of the Dragon. There were a few technical corners but it was over before it began. I will say that the roads were nice and smooth as it was just resurfaced. I just wish it was a bit longer.

As I returned home this route, I thought I would try to ride a bit more aggressive on it. As luck would have, I came up on a diseal Ford 350 , stinky, red truck. I remember those details because I was behind it the whole way through this area. There was no area for me to pass. To make matters worse, as I came up a steep incline, this truck had water running out the back of his bed. I could not avoid the water so my tires were now wet and pretty much useless for riding aggressive. O'well. There is always next time. Here a few pics...

Scenic shot from Wildcat Mountain from inside the park

A few of the turns from the area

Click HERE to see a video from Wildcat Mountan ( not taken by me)


When I was looking at the map to see what was in the area, I saw Sparta. Since I just saw 300 for the first time recently, I thought it would be kind of corny to see the town along the way. I was hoping to see if the local women looked like anything in the movie but I was sadly mistaken. I took some video but it ended up in the Dull Blade Vault for now. Not much else to see here. Move on...

Been There, Done That

Next on the list was The Mindoro Cut in Mindoro. To me, this was the highlight of the trip. Great riding, very scenic and fun technical riding. Now for the story part. I don't have the map in front of me but I ended up in downtown Mindoro. To give you a better image, imagine the Andy Griffith show with a bar in the middle of town.

Trying to figure out where to go, I see a bunch of bikes, ahem Harleys, in front of a bar. Look at that, the riders are out in front of the bar. Oh, look at that. Typical beefy Harley guys in leather giving me the look. I am sure I gave them a good laugh when I pulled in all protective gear including a helmet but they were not laughing. I was in the careless state of mind so I figured I would ask for directions.

"Where is Mindoro's Cut?"

All six looked at me like I spoke a different language. The one speaks up, assuming the leader of the gang, and says, "You just went through it."

Not thinking of my tone and who I was dealing with, I respond with, "Yeah, I don't think so. There is suppose to be this big rock formation that you are suppose to ride through. I am pretty sure that I didn't miss it. "

"Oh" says the leader of the gang. It is back that aways. Stay on this road and you can't miss it.

I say "thanks" and peel out of there checking my side view mirrow often. Hey, I was in the middle of Mayberry and it was not time to be gullible. I had a gut feeling to get out of there as soon as possible. No issues came out of it but hey, thank for the directions.

I loved this spot!

I hope a vehicle does not come up the other side while I take this shot

See that hill on the right? Don't bother going up it no matter what your GPS says. It runs into a dead end. Actually it was a guys driveway. Guess where I did my U Turn?

Click HERE to see a video of The Mindoro Cut (not taken by me)

Buzzard Billy's - Pleasant Surprise Here

Heading to Minnesota, I decided to stop in La Crosse for a late lunch. Buzzard Billy's came as a recommendation from another rider. I figured this was going to be a bar food type of joint serving oversized burgers. Boy was I wrong.

I walked into this old school bar with blues being played and nostaliga along the wall. Still not seeing what type of food is being served, I look over at at table and say to myself, "is that gumbo being served?". Ah yeah! I just found myself a cajun restarant. I just wish I was more hungry but I went with the basic jambalaya. It was soooo good and very flavorful. I normally only give a top rating of two forks but I am going with three forks here. Needless to say, I would go back. Check it out!

Lunch is Served!

Take another look at this window. Yup, it is the home of that damn foam cheese head you see Packer fans wearing. It is located across the street from the restaurant. For the record, I did not flip off the window or anyone for that matter. I was out numbered. (two big Harley owners were standing next me.)

Check off another state for me!

Well, I made it. Minnesota, I came in and left you high and dry. The original plan was to head south once in Minnesota returning back to Madison. Wait, that would mean I would have had to pre-plan. Silly me. If you are a regular reader, and I thank you, you know I hardley plan out my trips including hotel rooms.

Once in Minnesota, I turned to the GPS to take me back to my sisters in Middleton. The GPS kept telling me turn around and go back the way I came. It was basically telling me that would be my quickest route. With a few more clicks on the unit, it told me if I keep the direction I was going, it was going to take me an extra four hours then the suggested route. Doing the math, that would be somewhere close to 9:00 at night. I let technology win here. I turned around and went back. I saw a few new roads but for the most part, I took route 33 via Wildcat Mountain.

Once I made it back, the rest of the night included grilled burgers and brats with a few New Glarus Spotted Cows. Yeah, us party animals are fading away.