Thursday, June 5, 2008

We Are Home... Bike Is Not In One Piece

That Could Have Been My Head. Like I Need Another Hole In It

Matt and I are home now. We are back a day early due to another bad storm front moving into the area on Friday. We are a little sore but happy to be back with the wife and kids. This was a great trip which I would do again. I am kind of jumping ahead here but I can't believe it's over already. I had such a blast. I learned a lot about myself as a rider and a person. When you doing 500 mile days on two wheels, you get to think... a lot.

Anywho... I guess you are wondering what happened above. Matt and I were just getting ready to exit the interstate, for gas, after doing another 100 mile stretch. As I was leading to the ramp, I noticed a large tractor mowing down the grass along the road to my right. Just as I get to the incline of the ramp, I notice a long pipe coming at me,in the air, in a circular motion, fast! I did not see it until it was in my peripheral vision. Just as I do see it, I think it is going to hit me in the head. I react by ducking quickly but never got on the brakes. Next thing I know, the pipe hit the front of my bike taking a chunk of the windshield with it. I never lost control of the bike and continued my path to the stop sign.

It was not till later that Matt explained the object better since he saw it coming. He thought it was wider then the bike. At least 3 feet wide and about 2 inch in a diameter. Matt said it looked like one end of the pipe was sheared off, probably from the tractor. Think of a copper tube twisted in half. I have to take his word for it as I barely saw it coming. Dumb luck that I did not get impaled or lose my balance. Luckily as I was able to ride home without having to do any repairs. Glad it was not worse.

I will be posting more pics and wrapping up this report in a few days.

A big thanks to Matt for going along with me on this trip. I am sure glad I had a partner in the "hills". Also, another big thank you to my wife for letting me take the time off. You are the greatest!