Saturday, May 31, 2008

Night Before Trip and I Have Another Trip In the Works

It is Saturday night. The bike is packed and I am ready to go. The plan is still to head out at 6AM. I hope to bring you nightly updates assuming I can get a WiFi at the the hotels.

On a separate note, you are probably wondering why I posted a video of a cigar plant. As my luck would have it, I won a trip to the Dominican Republic. I assume that I will be visiting the area that is posted in the field.

Due to one of my nasty habits, cigars, I put my name in a box at the local cigar shop. Arganese Cigars is hosting the trip. All I had to do was buy a few cigars and my name entered. I don't have all the details yet but I know they are paying for my airfare. I also know that it is for four nights while they put me up some nice large bungalow. I will pass the details along as soon as I get them. I wonder if I can rent a bike down there.